

  February 23, 2020 (Sun), a grand demonstration will be held at the JP Tower KITTE 1F Atrium. This will be a great opportunity to discover the essence of karate from its birthplace, Okinawa!


Event summary:

 Name: ~ The birthplace of karate, Okinawa ~ Okinawa Karate Demonstration 2020
 Date: February 23, 2020 (Sun)  11: 00-18: 00 (stage demonstrations are at 13: 00 and 16: 00)
 Venue: JP Tower KITTE 1F Atrium
 Karate demonstrators: 20 people
 Organizer: OPG Karate Promotion Division


 Okinawa Karate Demonstration 2020 Secretariat
 TEL: 098-862-3577 FAX: 098-862-3548
 MAIL: karateokinawa@sun-agc.co.jp

 Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/okinawakarateenbu/