Special feature articles

Karate Today – Yoshizato Hiroshi’s Birth!

PDF uploaded here : 吉里弘、誕生す!(8) - EN

**In the event of any discrepancy in the textual content or interpretation between the multilingual version and the Japanese version,

the Japanese version of the article will take precedence over the multilingual version of the article.

Karate Today – Honolulu Karate Youth Club Founded !

PDF uploaded here : ホノルル唐手青年会 (7) - EN

**In the event of any discrepancy in the textual content or interpretation between the multilingual version and the Japanese version,

the Japanese version of the article will take precedence over the multilingual version of the article.

Karate Today – Nakandakari’s Birth!

PDF uploaded here : Karate Today - Nakandakari - EN version

**In the event of any discrepancy in the textual content or interpretation between the multilingual version and the Japanese version,

the Japanese version of the article will take precedence over the multilingual version of the article.

Karate Today – Noma Seiji made his wedding in Okinawa!

PDF uploaded here : 20230606 Karate Wedding(1)EN

**In the event of any discrepancy in the textual content or interpretation between the multilingual version and the Japanese version,

the Japanese version of the article will take precedence over the multilingual version of the article.

Karate Today – Yabu Kentsu conducts Karate promotional activities in Hawaii!

PDF uploaded here : https://okic.okinawa/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/8fb6a7b722d74e2e2d25717dbf2c98b6.pdf

**In the event of any discrepancy in the textual content or interpretation between the multilingual version and the Japanese version,

the Japanese version of the article will take precedence over the multilingual version of the article.