Day of Karate 2024 website has been launched!

Day of Karate 2024 details are now available on their website.

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If you wish to participate in the Commemorative Performance,

you need to register.  Application is accepted between July 23rd and Sep. 24th.

Do not miss the deadline!

The 4th Challenging Person Karate event was held!


 On Sunday, July 7th, the 4th Challenging Persons Karate event was held at the Okinawa Karate Kaikan (hosted by the Okinawa Prefectural Special Needs School Graduates' Parents Association Liaison Council).


Mr. Kunihiro Arakaki, Executive Director of the Okinawa Prefecture Karatedo Rengokai declared the opening of the event. Greetings followed by Mr. Mitsuhiko Gushikawa, Chairman of the event and Secretary General of the Okinawa Prefecture Karatedo Rengokai; Mr. Denny Tamaki, Governor of Okinawa Prefecture; Mr. Kunio Arakaki, President of the Okinawa Dento Karate-Do Shinkokai; and Mr. Minoru Nakazato, President of the Okinawa Prefecture Karatedo Rengokai.



The purpose of this event is "to encourage intellectually-challenged individuals to participate in their community through the Okinawan traditional karate, and to promote their self-reliance and growth through karate as a lifelong sport." Participants included individuals from their teens to their fifties who attend local dojos and employment support facilities within the prefecture.







This year, due to the impact of soaring prices, there were no participants from mainland Japan. However, Rikutarou, the official character of the Okinawa Dentol Karate-Do Shinkokai, came to cheer on the participants, adding to the lively atmosphere.







 After the group photo session in a friendly atmosphere, the actual competition began. Participants showcased their powerful performances.  I have great respect for the perseverance and positive attitude of all the participants who trained hard every day for this event, overcoming their disabilities.









Some participants were seen practicing repeatedly right up to their performances, and their dedication was truly impressive. 


 This event is a rare opportunity where both karate practitioners with and without intellectual challenge come together to preserve and promote the Okinawan traditional karate, which is a source of pride for Okinawa. I hope that more people will take a part in this event.

To all the participants, the Sensei who planned and managed the event, and members of Okinawa Prefectural Special Needs School Graduates' Parents Association,  thank you for your dedication and organizing such a wonderful event.


Details about Karate Day will become available in mid July!



The "Karate Day" Commemorative Performance will be held in October this year again.
We have been receiving inquiries about the details from enthusiasts both domestically and internationally already.
However, event details are not yet available.
Please check the official website of "Karate Day" after July 17th.


(The 4th) Okinawa Karate Academy will be held!
The Okinawa Karate Academy is an academic conference focusing on traditional Okinawa karate. This year's fourth research conference will focus on "Ryukyuan Martial Arts in Overseas Historical Documents". The presenter is Mr. Akira Nakamura (Researcher, Okinawa Traditional Karate Association). Name: Okinawa Karate Academy Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024, 14:00-16:00 Place: Okinawa Karate Kaikan Dojo Building, Seminar Room Theme: "Ryukyuan Warriors in Overseas Historical Documents How are Ryukyuan martial arts depicted in foreign historical documents? What insights can we extract from Chinese and Korean records dating back to the old-Ryukyu period, as well as accounts from visitors to Ryukyu during the early modern and modern Okinawa eras, regarding the Ryukyuan military? This conference aims to present and analyze the records left by visitors to Ryukyu and modern Okinawa, encompassing Chinese and Korean records spanning the ancient Ryukyuan period.
(The 3rd) Okinawa Karate Academy will be held!

The Okinawa Karate Academy is hosting a research and reporting session aimed at academically promoting traditional Okinawa Karate.

The focus of this year's third research and debriefing session will be on the arrival of Western ships to the Ryukyu Kingdom and its response.

The presenter for the research report will be Oshiro Naoya, a Historian from the Naha City Museum of History.

Event Details:

Name: Okinawa Karate Academy
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2024, 14:00-16:00
Place: Training Room, Dojo Building, Okinawa Karate Kaikan
Presenter: Oshiro Naoya (Historian, Naha City Museum of History)
Theme: "The Arrival of European and American Ships to the Ryukyu Kingdom and Its Response"
This year marks the 170th anniversary of Perry's fleet arriving in the Ryukyus. The session will showcase examples of the arrival of European and American ships both before and after Perry's fleet, examining the response of the Shuri Royal Government and its unique characteristics.

In the 19th century, the expansion of Western countries into East Asian nations was termed "Western Impact."

The arrival of Western ships brought several challenges for Ryukyu, including issues related to trade concepts, the presence of English and French missionaries in Ryukyu, and the signing of the Treaty of Amity.

Join us as we delve into the problems brought about by the arrival of Western ships and explore their impact on Ryukyu.

We look forward to your participation!

※This academy will be provided in Japanease language only.