When looking for a dōjō in Argentina, Brazil and India
Our information center often receives requests from people looking for Okinawa karate dōjō overseas. While Okinawa karate and kobudō are taught in more than 90 countries, there are almost no official all-style national lists. In the case of Argentina, Brazil and India, there exist national organizations which dōjō relate to headquarters in Okinawa.
Organización de Karate-do y Kobu-do Okinawense en Argentina (OKKOA)
(English: Organization of Okinawa karatedō and kobudō in Argentina)
This organization has 15 groups that teach Okinawan karate and kobudō systems.
Official website: http://karateokinawense.com/
Associação Cultural Nipo-Brasileira de Estudo e Preservação do Karate e Kobudo de Okinawa
(English: Japanese-Brazilian Cultural Association for the Study and Preservation of Okinawa Karate and Kobudō)
This association has created a list of 16 groups that teach Okinawa karate and kobudō.
List of Okinawa Karate and Kobudō Dōjō in Brazil with affiliation and historical link with Okinawa
Okinawa Karatedo Kobudo Federation of India
This federation counts 12 organizations that teach Okinawan karate and kobudō.
Official website: http://www.okinawakaratedokobudo.com/
For information on dōjō in other countries, feel free to contact our center directly.